

What’s Right with Macroeconomics?

著者: Wendy Carlin, Jean-Bernard Chatelain, Giancarlo Corsetti, Giovanni Dosi, Robert J. Gordon, Paul De Grauwe, Xavier Ragot, Xavier Timbeau, Volker Wieland

Robert M. Solow, Jean-Philippe Touffut 共編
Edward Elgar 2012
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Global crises are very rare events. After the Great Depression and the Great Stagflation, new macroeconomic paradigms associated with a new policy regime emerged. This book addresses how some macroeconomic ideas have failed and examines which theories researchers should preserve and develop. It questions how the field of economics – still reeling from the global financial crisis initiated in the summer of 2007 – will respond.

The contributors, nine highly-renowned macroeconomists, highlight the virtues of eclectic macroeconomics over an authoritarian normative approach. They illustrate that macroeconomic reasoning can still be a useful tool for carrying out practical policy analysis. As for emerging research programmes, their wide-ranging chapters remind us that there are positive approaches to and reasons to believe in old-fashioned macroeconomics.

View the contributors’ presentations given at the Cournot Centre’s conference, What’s Right with Macroeconomics?, held 2-3 December 2010.


著者: Martin Neil Baily, David Calleo, John Gabriel Goddard, Daniel S. Hamilton, Hans-Helmut Kotz, Natalie McGarry, Xavier Ragot

企画出版:クルノ・センター及び大西洋両岸関係センター(CTR)・ジョンズホプキンス大学 – SAIS

Robert M. Solow, Daniel S. Hamilton 共編
Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University, 2011
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どのようにしてユーロ・ゾーンの国々が現在の危機に対処していくべきなのか? そもそもその危機はどのようにして生じたものなのか? そしてそれは解決可能なものなのか? また、この危機は、ヨーロッッパの政治・経済的統合に関する歴史的な実験においてどのような意味を持つのか? ヨーロッパ・ゾーンの危機は、EUが最終的に挫折した時代として記憶されることになるのだろうか? もしくは、更に統合され競争力に満ちた統合への加速の時期として語り継がれることになるのだろうか?



著者 : Bina Agarwal, Martin Baily, Jean-Louis Beffa, Richard Cooper, Jan Fagerberg, Elhanan Helpman, Shelly Lundberg, Valentina Meliciani et Peter Nunnenkamp

Robert M. Solow, Jean-Philippe Touffut共編
Edward Elgar 2010
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This book is unique in its broad coverage of the concept of division of labour. The variety of contributions highlight its shape, showing that it is not just limited to the old notions of the degree of the division of labour among productive units, along the lines of Adam Smith, or the degree of specialization amongst countries, along the lines of David Ricardo. Through different lenses, the authors present a panoramic and detailed view of contemporary analyses, including not only gender, but also assets, sectors and nations. The book edited by Robert Solow and Jean-Philippe Touffut therefore provides a refreshing new vision on one of the oldest concepts popular in economic analyses.
- Luc Soete, Professor of International Economic Relations, Maastricht University and Director of UNU-MERIT

How is work divided up in the household, within an industry, a nation or between continents? What are the dynamics of the division of labour? The wide-ranging contributions to this book explore these questions from technological, capital and political perspectives. They include in-depth studies of gender, the firm, countries’ economic specializations, ICTs, foreign direct investment and agriculture. The ten distinguished contributors – scholars, economists and practitioners – take stock of the shape of the division of labour and provide useful policy recommendations.

View the contributors’ presentations given at the Cournot Centre’s conference, The New International Division of Labour, held 12-13 November 2009.


執筆者: Michel Armatte, Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Olivier Godard, Inge Kaul, Thomas Schelling, Robert Solow, Nicholas Stern, Thomas Sterner, Martin Weitzman

Jean-Philippe Touffut編
Edward Elgar 2009
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The book launches took place in Washington, D.C. on 3 December and in Copenhagen on 8 December 2009.

This volume brings a remarkable variety of viewpoints on appropriate policy to meet the threats brought on by man-made climate change. Not only economic theory but broader political and methodological perspectives are brought to bear by an authoritative set of authors, in what is certainly a significant contribution to the debate.
– Kenneth J. Arrow, Stanford University

How did climate change become an economic issue? Why is economic discourse so influential on the public policy of climate change? How can it best contribute to the scientific and public debates? Eight eminent scholars explain in this book both how economics has changed environmental understanding and how the study of climate change has modified the economy.

Changing Climate, Changing Economy will interest researchers and students in a variety of fields including environmental policy economics, ecological economics, public policy and the environment as well as environmental ethics. Climatologists, environmentalists, public policy advisers and analysts will also find this book invaluable.

View the contributors’ presentations given at the Cournot Centre’s conference, The Economic Cost of Climate Change, held 18-19 December 2008.


執筆者:Jean-Louis Beffa, Margaret Blair, Wendy Carlin, Christophe Clerc, Simon Deakin, Jean- Paul Fitoussi, Donatella Gatti, Gregory Jackson, Xavier Ragot, Antoine Rebérioux, Lorenzo Sacconi, Robert Solow

Jean-Philippe Touffut編
Edward Elgar 2009
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The 2008 financial crisis has caused the validity of theshareholder-oriented model to be scrutinized. Was the model right? Was it just that the regulations were inadequate, or was it the financiers’ greed? Should we not have earnestly searched for another model? Originally presented a year before the crisis, thepapers in this volume did more than anticipate such debate. This book provides excellent food for thought for anyone interested inhow to reconstruct the corporate economy.
– Masahiko Aoki, Stanford University

Do modes of management depend on company ownership? Does macroeconomic performance rely on shareholder value? The contributions collected in this book explore these questions from economic, historical and legal perspectives. They examine company ownership through the study of national institutions, with particular focus on North America and Europe. The 12 economic and legal specialists of this volume seek to explain why firms organized along the shareholder model have not outperformed other forms of ownership. Answers lie in the historical and institutional background of each country.

This book will appeal to a wide-ranging audience encompassing researchers, students and academics in the fields of corporate governance, company law, finance and organization theory.

The first versions of these texts were presented at the Cournot Centre’s conference, Does Company Ownership Matter?, held 29-30 November 2007.


執筆者:Robert J. Aumann, Alain Desrosières, Jean Magnan de Bornier, Thierry Martin, Glenn Shafer, Robert M. Solow, Bernard Walliser

Jean-Philippe Touffut編
Edward Elgar 2008
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Theories and practices in central banking and monetary policyhave changed radically over recent decades with independenceand inflation targeting as the new keywords. This book offers interesting perspectives on the drivers of this developmentand its implication. It addresses contemporary questions onaccountability, transparency and objectives for monetary policy as well as current policy problems related to globalization andfinancial imbalances. The book is topical, insightful and well written – a must for everybody with an interest in central bankingand monetary policy.
– Torben M. Andersen, University of Aarhu

The number of central banks in the world is approaching 180, a tenfold increase since the beginning of the twentieth century. What lies behind the spread of this economic institution? What underlying process has brought central banks to hold such a key role in economic life today? This book examines from a transatlantic perspective how the central bank has become the bank of banks. Thirteen distinguished economists and central bankers have been brought together to evaluate how central banks work, arrive at their policies, choose their instruments and gauge their success in managing economies, both in times of crisis and periods of growth.

Central banks have gained greater independence from government control over the last 20 years. This widespread trend throws up new questions regarding the foundations, prerogatives and future of this economic institution. This book provides a better understanding of the current financial crisis through the in-depth study of the central bank. Researchers in the fields of monetary theory, monetary policy and central banking will find this volume of great interest. It will also appeal to students of economics, political economy, banking and finance, as well as economists, academics, and public policy advisers and analysts.

The first versions of these texts were presented at the Cournot Centre’s conference, Central Banks as Economic Institutions, held 30 November and 1 December 2006.


執筆者:Robert J. Aumann, Alain Desrosières, Jean Magnan de Bornier, Thierry Martin, Glenn Shafer, Robert M. Solow, Bernard Walliser

Jean-Philippe Touffut編
Edward Elgar 2007
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この豊かで魅力的な論文集は、オーギュスタン・クルノが幅広い教養を持った強力な思想家であったという名声を確立するのに大いに貢献するものである。クルノの膨大な業績は、彼に関して広く知られている寡占モデルをはるかに越え、多岐に渡っている。クルノはただ単に数学者というだけでなく、エピステモロジーや科学の本質に関する哲学上の議論に積極的に参加した人物であったことが明らかにされている。スミスに始まりマーシャルから現在のノーベル経済学賞受賞者達に到るまで、現代経済学の発展は英語圏に限られるという先入観に捕われている人は、この著作において詳細に光を当てられたクルノの業績を見て驚きを禁じ得ないであろう。 – Geoffrey M. Hodgson, ハートフォードシャー大学, UK




執筆者:Patrick Artus, Avner Ben-Ner, Bernard Gazier, Xavier Greffe, Claude Henry, Philippe Herzog, Inge Kaul, Joseph Stiglitz, Jean-Philippe Touffut

Jean-Philippe Touffut編
Edward Elgar 2006
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これは現在のワールドワイドな経済に直面した公共財についての議論を提起しているタイムリーで思考を刺激する本である。そのようなワールドワイドな経済においては公共財というものはしばしばグローバルな性質を持ち、国家の枠を越えた供給や管理が求められる。 – Giovanni Dosi、聖アンナ高等研究院、 ピサ、イタリア




Michel Aglietta and Antoine Rebérioux著

Edward Elgar 2005
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『漂流するコーポレート・ガバナンス』は挑戦的な本である…2人の著者は絶えず魅力を失わない著作を成し遂げ、かつ決して知的な重みを失うことなく分かりやすく面白い議論を展開することに成功した。– Manifest

最近のコーポレート・ガバナンスのスキャンダルの為に、金融市場に支配されている資本主義に内在する矛盾が露になった。ミシェル・アグリエッタ, アントワーヌ・ルベリウの手によるこの挑戦的な本は、会社は自分達の株主の利益のためだけに営為努力しなければならない、という資本主義の基礎となる前提は、流動的な市場・貪欲な投資家・慢性的金融不安定といった現在の環境とは上手く適合しないという主張を展開している。



Robert Boyer

Edward Elgar 2004
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インターネット経済の乱気流ぶりはどのような意味を持っていたのであろうか? ロベール・ボワイエは、我々が今現在体験しているデジタル・トランスフォーメーションが孕む意味を計ろうとする努力に対して意義深く新鮮な洞察を行なっている。分析的規律と歴史的パースペクティヴを備えたボワイエは、学者や教師、インターネットの発展に興味のある人達やそれに囲まれて暮らしている人達に重要な解釈をもたらしている。 – John Zysman, カルフォニア大学, バークリー, US




執筆者:Philippe Aghion, Bruno Amable with Pascal Petit, Timothy Bresnahan, Paul A. David, David Marsden, AnnaLee Saxenian, Günther Schmid, Robert M. Solow, Wolfgang Streeck, Jean-Philippe Touffut.

Jean-Philippe Touffut編
Edward Elgar 2003
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ここ最近、イノヴェーションと経済成長に対する関心は経済学の論考において爆発的に高まっているのに対し、制度の役割は大方見落とされて来た。この本を出版するにあたって、ジャン=フィリップ・トゥフュは先導的な国際的学者達を一同に集め、制度・イノヴェーション活動・経済成長の間の繋がりについて開拓的で厳密な分析を行なった。この著作が導き出した結論に関しては議論の余地がない。すなわち、制度は経済成長を実現する上でも重要であるということだけでなく、そのインパクトは体系的で予見できるようなやり方で理解され得るということだ。– David B. Audretsch, インディアナ大学, US

この本には、著名な学者がイノヴェーションと成長について執筆した情報に富み、また情報発信力の高い論考が収められている—長期的な経済的繁栄に関して最も批評的なトピックとなっているのは明らかだろう。これらの試論は学生や経済学の論文における諸諸の分析的なテーマ同士の関連性に関して強い関心を抱いているものにとって極めて説得的なものになるであろう。– William J. Baumol, ニューヨーク大学, US 及び プリンストン大学, US
